
"Labyrinths Borne: The Revolutionary Latinxfuturist Vision of Frederick Luis Aldama" Latinx Pop Magazine
"Frederick Luis Aldama Against a (Capitalist) World: A Superhero’s Origin Story and the Endgame Behind Latinx Comics" LibroMobile
"Fiction as the Distillation and Reconstruction of Reality." Latino Book Review
"Aldama’s Pressing Passion to Portray & Proclaim Powerful Truths of Youth..." Latinx Pop Magazine
"Misfits, Sonic Revolutions, Familial Reconciliations." Latinx Pop Magazine
Con Papá / With Papá. LA Review of Books
The Adventures of Chupacabra Charlie. LA Review of Books
Long Stories Cut Short. LA Review of Books
“The Pilgrimage of Professor Latinx." Life & Letters
"Gone Before His Time: Freddie Prinze Sr." Tubi
"Artbound Love & Rockets Documentary." KCET
“BIPOC POP Shows the Diverse Faces Under Superhero Masks.” Austin Chronicle
"On Latinx Heroes." Marvel
"It's An Ideal Moment." The Comics Journal
"My Narratology." Diegesis
“In Search of Latinos on TV.” KERA Think Radio
"Latinx Superheroes in Mainstream Comics." La Bloga
"Art of Latinx YA & Children’s Storytelling." Latinxs in Kid Lit
Interview with Los Comics Son Buenos
Interview with Oscar Garza & Primos Podcast
"The Return of Professor LatinX." Primos Podcasts
“Anthony Mackie: An Odyssey By Interview.” Latinx Pop Magazine
“Our Stories Matter: An Interview with America Ferrera.” Latinx Pop Magazine
Featured "Interventions" w/ authors such as Ben Okri, Cristina Garcia, Luis Urrea, and dozens more. The American Book Review
Featured interviews with scholars and creatives, from Henry Jenkins to America Ferrera, and more. Professor Latinx YouTube Channel